Living Music
8:27 PMThere's something about certain music that completely captivates our souls. Christian worship is our soul delighting in Jesus and expressing praise to him for the true things the Scriptures teach us about who He is and what he has accomplished for us. I've added a few of my recent favourites below!
"Once you see this - that the work of the heart (the emotions) is as important for reflecting the glory of God as the work of the head (understanding) is, then you will begin to see why music and singing is so important for Christian worship. The reason we sing is because there are depths and heights and intensities and kinds of emotion that will not be satisfactorily expressed by mere prosaic forms, or even poetic readings. There are realities that demand to break out of prose into poetry and some demand that poetry be stretched into song." - Singing and Making Melody to the Lord, Desiring God
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